Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dear Superintendent

I am writing to you on behalf of the Physical Education department and our fellow students. Our wish is to incorporate non-traditional activities and units in our curriculum. As we advance as a nation and as Physical Education evolves more and more, we feel that Physical Education class is not just about throwing out the balls and telling the students to have fun. We must apply incorporate life skills as part of our class. It has come to my attention that more than 80% of my students want to experiment in non-traditional activitites. I have taken a survey and found that most students have grown tired of basketball,volelyball,soccer,softball,football etc. There is a unit called Project Adventure which i wish to use in my classroom. Project Adventure uses many skills such as communication, teamwork, trust and other useful life skills to help complete certain tasks and objectives. Most of these skills if not all of them are taught within other classes such as social studies, science, and english. Some of these activities provide brain stimulating objectives that help students expand their thinking and problem solving skills. We feel that by adding this unit into our curriculum we can help develop necessary skills that these students need to attain to become succesfull in everyday life. Students seem enthusiastic about the idea of starting this unit. Blindfold games, tag games, trust falls/runs/dives are being talked about amongst the students. Throughout my time at SUNY Cortland I became certified in PRoject Adventure and I am ready to teach these kids safely and responsibly. I have created a presentation that I would like to share with you to help my cause of addidng this unit to the curriculum. If you have any questions at all please I encourage and would like you to contact me via e-mail or contact me at 845-555-5555. Again I thank you for your time and really look forward to seeing you Tuesday night at 8pm in the Hall of Fame Room. We feel this presentation is enough evidence to convince the board to allow this unit.
Thank You

Harris Seletsky

Part 1

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.

The web-site is from CBC. This is a Canadian broadcasting company in Canada. Saskatoon is the name of the province that it takes place on. The story also talking about a high school that is using a fitnees program to improve students academic performance. The location of that high school was Chicago.

I thought that the article/news piece was very interesting. When i was in high school it felt that I was doing better in my classes during sports seasons. In the news piece it was interesting to see how much all the students improved. I think the entire class improved 1 whole letter grade, which is pretty incredible when you think about it. Most students have trouble improving a third of a letter grade and these students were improving by the whole grades. A program like this really helps to improve students education and it has strong evidence to support it. The troubling thing about this is, why dont more schools incorporrate this into their budgets/curriculum. Physical Education seems to be at the top of the list when it comes to making budget cuts.

The video showed most students standing around not being active, not participating in physical activity. It is sad that most Physical education teachers do not care whether their students participate or not. It appears that the teacher feels as long as he is getting paid then he is doing his job. This is a terrible attitude to have as a physical educator. Now a days schools should be looking into finding teacher candidates who show compassion, energy, knowledge, enthusiasm for physical education (Cortland students). when it comes time for me to teach, my physical education classes will be beneficial and helpful to all my students. I will take my passion and energy and apply it to my lessons which in turn should make the students want to learn. Faculty/co-workers would greatly benefit from this program because all physical education classes if taught correctly help students release stress, and helps get ride of all that unecessary energy they have stored up. When it comes time to return to their classes they will be calm relaxed and ready to participate and learn. The faculty should have an easier time getting their lessons done, and they will even have a higher successful passing rate when it comes time to do grades. Physical education shouldnt be looked at as throwing a ball on the ground and telling the kids to have fun. It should be viewed as a unique learning tool that can help improve the lives of everyone physically and mentally. When people work out it gives them endorphines, endorphines make people feel good.

They were positive outcomes they showed benefits to having the program in the schools. Reading, writing and math comprehension all seemed to improve. There was a student who improved his comprehension by 400%. The kid also suffered from having some academic problems and some behavior issuses. Another student ran on a treadmill and it helped him control his emotions, and focus in class. I can relate to these results because I can remember having English class after my physical education class and i found that I had a lot of energy released and when i got to my class i was ready to learn and was more focused on what the task was. As stated above the entire class averaged one letter grade improvments. The students seemed to want to come to school, it appeared (and i agree with it) that the students gained motivation to do tasks. This program is similar to our NYSLS. The students are increasing their personal health, which is congruent with NYS LS 1A, they are given options to what type of activity they want to engage in NYS LS 1B. NYS LS 3 was the only one I think was not covered. I dont think i heard anything about where the students can go within their community to continue their physical education.

BDNF is a neurochemical that helps the brain function and grow. This is associated with physical education and learning because the more you engage in physical activities it increases the amount of the particular chemical. Eating the right way and taking in fewer calories a day can also be a beneficial way to increase the levels of BDNF.BDNF acts of certain neurons of the CNS and the PNS helping to support the survival existing neurons, and encourages the growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses. Two books that discuss BDNF: "Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and The Brain" by John J. Ratey. Natures Ritalin For The Marathon Mind by Stephen C. Putnam.

I am not the biggest technology guru, in fact I really do not know how to do certain tasks or commands on a computer. I found that Daily Burn was fairly easy to use. It took a little getting used to like finding where everything was and how to set it up, however i found it to be easy. I like keeping a log of my daily nutrition intake. It was interesting that you can design an entire plan for the week to help you reach your health related goals. However I do not like going on the computer everyday and feel that we are too technology dependant. I personally feel that when we go on the computers we get side tracked and start web surfing and doing other things other then the task at hand, I am old fashion and feel that a simple journal log and keeping a notebook is the exact same thing that can produce the exact same results. I will still be part of our Rockstar group.

I would use this website to accomplish our recommended regents level for LS #1B by having the students set up their own personal fitness programs. You do not know the exact reason a student is using the site. There are many different reasons such as losing weight, gaining muscle, gaining weight etc, so each student will produce an individual one and keep their logs daily. I would just have them write down their goals to what they want to accomplish at the begining of the unit.

I would use Excel in order to capture the data and reporting for the recommended regents level LS 1A. Excel is a great tool and has many functions to use in order to sort data and graph data.
Plus i know in my high school we had to take a computer class and be familiar with how to use excel and microsoft word so students should be familiar with it they have to take it in their schools. The students would have to list the activity that they did and keep log of their HR for the lesson and how many steps they took. The only problem with having students do this is since computers arent readily accessible in the gymnasium the students have time to forget their data. also the data could be invalid and not trustworthy because students might not take it serious and just write down whatever they want just to complete the task. Plus they already take a math class so I do not think they would enjoy calculating data and recording it. However maybe if there was a way to work with the math teacher and have them set up this information when they have math that day.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Semester

Over the past semester I feel that I have grown and have made a lot of improvements in my teaching methods. This semester was a very interesting one. When we first started I was a little nervous to be teaching in front of my peers. But as the labs kept coming so did my progressions. As the semester kept going I learned from my classmates TA’s and professor. My classmates were great. We were composed of a bunch of great individuals. We helped each other and had fun. I can remember when we first started how low my voice was, and how I had tendencies such as grabbing my hands and stuttering. However as we moved from lab to lab I fixed and improved a lot of my mechanics. After 255 I feel that I am a better teacher candidate then I was the previous semester. I learned that specific feedback and even constant feedback is vital to a child’s learning and development. Another useful piece of information I learned is to have a good hook. Grab their attentions right away from the start of a class and the rest of the lesson is a piece of cake. The blogs and groups that we have joined on facebook, twitter, blogger etc are very helpful for the future. Networking and meeting great new people (such as spring 2010 255 class) is key for when looking for a job. I had a great experience this semester. I wish everyone well have a great summer, and we will continue our journey next fall.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Activity Progression
Lesson PLan

My teaching today went well. I thought that it was my best lesson taught all semester. I felt confident in the topic and all the preperation that I put into this lab. It was not easy though. There were a lot of resources that I had to use in order to find certain activities. I do not know how it is with most schools but I know my school did not teach anything like this. The reaction from the class seemed pretty positive. I got a lot of positive feedback from the class. Everything in the lesson went smooth. I thought I did a good job transitioning from task to task. I thought I explained thhings clearly such as cues and safety precautions. It is really good to get feedback from the other students. By them giving me feedback it helps me work on things that I did not necessarly know I was doing, I know for the next time I teach I have to work on not saying "guys". I do not know why I say it and I do not realize that I am even saying it.
A big part of teaching is giving feedback. A student needs to know if they are doing tasks correctly or wrong. This was by far my best lab that I gave feedback on. I was more involved with the activities, making sure that they were running safely and properly. There was a fight with Dan and Ryan towards the end that I thought I handled pretty well. I almost forgot to seperate them which in a real scenario might be costly. However I have time to work on that.
All in All I really enjoyed this unit. I think as you look through my lab's you can see a real difference in my approach, my voice, my confidence. I feel like with this Lab it simulated the real deal, and it gave me a sense of what it is going to be like when I graduate. I thought I handled it well, and there is always room for improvement but for this class I think I did well.

Time Coding


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lab C

I thought my lesson today went pretty well. I thought I did well explaining the directions and leading the class into "harder" tasks. It was a fun lesson I enjoyed doing the lesson on wheelchair basketball because I love basketball and it makes me look at it in a different way. It is really cool that they developed wheelchair basketball into a professional level. It gives hope to those who need it and I thought it was fun doing this lesson. As far as how I taught. Well I thought that I explained everything that I needed too. However I felt that I could of been a little big more organized, with what I was going to say. For some reason this Lab had me a little bit more nervous than the other ones. I am comfortable speaking in front of the class and I am confident in what I am going to say, but there was something about this lab that made me feel a little nervous. I got through it and I thought everyone in the class cooperated with me and was great.
I could of given a lot more feedback to the class. I got caught up in the lesson, but I thought that the feedback I did give was useful. The one thing that I forgot to do was demonstrate the activities. I had it written down in my lesson plan but for some odd reason I forgot to pinpoint and use students in the class to demonstrate. There were not enough wheelchairs for the class and I had them rotate which went well and everyone did a great job with that. Another thing that I personally thought I did wrong was I went too quickly into the three man weave I should of progressed to that with other tasks. I no know for the next time.
To conclude I think that it went well and the areas that I need to improve on I will work on for Lab D and I am pretty excited for it.

Activity Progression



Time Coding

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Jump Rope Cont.....

I thought My lesson went well. It was kind of frustrating to begin with because I am not that good at jump roping so it was hard to explain to the class what to do when I had little experience with the lesson as well. In my lesson I started getting triped up on my words, I do not know why, I feel it had something to do with the fact that I spent all that time trying to rehearse it that I was trying to get through it too quickly. I feel that I am improving on my delivery, and poise. I am a lot more comfortable up there teaching to my peers, Which to me I think is harder then teaching to younger students. I am excited for Labs C and D just as long as it does not involve Jump Roping activities. The people who went in front of me did a great job teaching and I try to pick out pieces of their teaching style and incorporate it with mine. I thought everyone did an excellent job. If there is one thing that I take from my Time Coding sheet is that I spent too much time giving Instructions when I should of planned for it to be more Activity time.



Friday, February 26, 2010

Jump Rope

I thought that my Lesson this time went well. I thought i used a loud "Gym" voice, and gave clear directions. I felt alot more comfortable being up there this time. It was an easy lesson and skill to teach in the amount of time that I had. Everyone cooperated with me and did a great job. I thought I did a good job facing the class the majority of the time. These progressions are definitely helping me out and making me feel more comfortable every time I teach. (TIME CODING)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Round 2


This Feedback Analysis form shows me who I have been talking to within my lesson group and who I have given feedback to. The feedback could either be about the person exhibiting good/bad behavior, or it could be based on their skill whether it would be good/bad. I like this Form because it helps give me a sense of who I am talking to/not and about what. In this case I only spoke to 4 people about the same thing. In my future teachings I want to be able to spread the feedback around to more people and give more of it. I only had 4 minutes of lesson time so not much feedback could be given, but I still think I should of given more feedback then this.


Fun Friday

Fridays class was fun. We got to teach a skill just like the first day of class. This time we were aware of the fact that we would be doing this. Also I noticed with myself and all of the other people in my group that we improved a bit compared to our first lesson videos. Everyone had better explanations, and used their "Gym Voices". I had more fun this time then I did last time. I feel as the semester moves on everyone is getting more and more comfortable around each other, and we are not afraid of making a mistake during class because this is where you want to make the mistakes and learn from them. It is fun learning to teach this way, and I look forward to the next lesson we have to teach in the near future.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time Coding

When I take a look at the Time Coding Form I get an idea of where my time is going. I can analyze and see how long am I giving Instructions, How long the kids are Active, and with this I can see where I need to improve on. I like this form because it informs me and helps for the future plans because I can refine my lessons to fit certain needs for certain activities. I need to work on cutting down the time I use to give instructions, which would allow for more time being active. The next time I teach I am going to try and work on getting straight to the point and giving all important information in a short coherent manner.

Monday, February 8, 2010

PED 255 "Quick Demo"

Compared to my first video, I say that this clip is a little bit better in some aspects. Compared to the last video I thought that this video I was louder, I thought I explained myself well in the video. There is a part in the video where there is a sudden stop on my behalf, it was not because I was stuck I thought that Professor Yang was trying to grab my attention but he was not. However even as a teacher if I am explaining a lesson to my class and someone wants me they would have to wait until I was finished talking, so that was a good test however the next time that happens I am sure I will not be as effected. I think I should slow down the speed in which I talk. It seemed too fast even for me.
I talk with my hands a lot when I am explaining things and one thing I notice is that I grab my hands while I was explaining the task. I feel like talking with your hands is not necessarily a bad thing however I want to improve on not grabbing them and saying "Ummm" as much. It kind of makes it seem like I am nervous (Which I am not) and not comfortable up there. The intent of the message was communicated clearly. For the task that I was demonstrating I think that this was easy to understand. Now of course if there was an actual class and I had equipment, my own gym, etc. I could have done more with it, but the 3 points I made about hitting were accurate and fairly easy to understand the task. The next time I teach I would use the same key points as this lesson, I would just slow down a little more, use less of my hands, I could still be louder, and I would add a little bit more detail/explanation as to why we are doing this activity, and I would elaborate on why we want to remember those 3 key points.

Monday, January 25, 2010

PED 255 Day 1

When I entered the gym and saw the different athletic balls laying in the middle of the gym, I thought to myself that we were going to be playing 4 different sports as a class. What I did not know was that we would be splitting up into two big groups and each individual person was going to teach a particular skill for 3-4 minutes while being videotaped. I was not nervous I just did not like that I had no time to prepare a lesson. However, I liked the idea of being videotaped now and as the semester grows on being taped at later dates and being able to analyze myself and correct any mistakes I might have. I thought that the first class was very fun, and since I have a good first impression of the class, my classmates and my professor I can tell that this will be a very fun and helpful class to prepare us for the "real world".

What I Think went well in my teaching is, I have a good understanding of basketball and a good background in it, so I was able to stick to a basic lesson/skill to teach on such short notice.
I Think I need to improve on projecting my voice and speaking more confidently I tend to say "Umm" a lot which is something I need to improve on not doing. The improvements that I need to work on can affect a students learning motivation. If I am speaking monotone or soft then the kids are not going to be into the activity, they might start day-dreaming, or talking to their friends which in turn can distract others as well as myself and people will not get the valuable information, or the correct ways to doing certain activities/lessons. By speaking strong it will keep their attention and let them know that I am into the lesson and am ready to teach.