Monday, January 25, 2010

PED 255 Day 1

When I entered the gym and saw the different athletic balls laying in the middle of the gym, I thought to myself that we were going to be playing 4 different sports as a class. What I did not know was that we would be splitting up into two big groups and each individual person was going to teach a particular skill for 3-4 minutes while being videotaped. I was not nervous I just did not like that I had no time to prepare a lesson. However, I liked the idea of being videotaped now and as the semester grows on being taped at later dates and being able to analyze myself and correct any mistakes I might have. I thought that the first class was very fun, and since I have a good first impression of the class, my classmates and my professor I can tell that this will be a very fun and helpful class to prepare us for the "real world".

What I Think went well in my teaching is, I have a good understanding of basketball and a good background in it, so I was able to stick to a basic lesson/skill to teach on such short notice.
I Think I need to improve on projecting my voice and speaking more confidently I tend to say "Umm" a lot which is something I need to improve on not doing. The improvements that I need to work on can affect a students learning motivation. If I am speaking monotone or soft then the kids are not going to be into the activity, they might start day-dreaming, or talking to their friends which in turn can distract others as well as myself and people will not get the valuable information, or the correct ways to doing certain activities/lessons. By speaking strong it will keep their attention and let them know that I am into the lesson and am ready to teach.

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