Thursday, March 4, 2010

Jump Rope Cont.....

I thought My lesson went well. It was kind of frustrating to begin with because I am not that good at jump roping so it was hard to explain to the class what to do when I had little experience with the lesson as well. In my lesson I started getting triped up on my words, I do not know why, I feel it had something to do with the fact that I spent all that time trying to rehearse it that I was trying to get through it too quickly. I feel that I am improving on my delivery, and poise. I am a lot more comfortable up there teaching to my peers, Which to me I think is harder then teaching to younger students. I am excited for Labs C and D just as long as it does not involve Jump Roping activities. The people who went in front of me did a great job teaching and I try to pick out pieces of their teaching style and incorporate it with mine. I thought everyone did an excellent job. If there is one thing that I take from my Time Coding sheet is that I spent too much time giving Instructions when I should of planned for it to be more Activity time.



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